True story about Pod Awful Drama


so this is the true story about how I came across pod awful, I actually found him twice, at one point during the Obama administration I was listening to the radio when I heard a story about a podcaster from the New York area threatening to blow up the White House to assassinate Obama, they did not identify the podcaster but when I searched "New York base podcast" his was the top results at the time, I don't really know much about that story how much it was true or what he actually did or did not do,
I remember looking at his website and bookmarking it and not really diving into his social medias or YouTube,
and then I forgot all about him. I remember seeing him bookmarked in my Chrome for a long period of time before I deleted the bookmark,
on December 4th 2016 a crazy person who believed the conspiracy that children were being molested in the basement of comet ping Pong went and shot up the interior of comet ping Pong,
the next day Jesse and his friend were at comet ping Pong and they filmed a video in the area,
within a couple days after that they released a video,
that video led to me rediscovering pod awful. at that time I had several Twitter accounts,
I had about 900 Twitter accounts to be truthful,
I used to enjoy tweeting out a video and then using my other Twitter accounts to retweet it and quote tweet it and signal boost videos that I liked,
I interacted with Jesse's Twitter several times from several different Twitter accounts,
I guess he came suspicious when one of his tweets got retweeted 900 times in a fraction of a second,
I would do this to people all the time,
one time I was able to get 100 YouTube subscribers for a YouTube channel called stormcaster just by signal boosting his YouTube channel through Twitter,
I don't know when he became aware of me but he did,
at some point after that I was logged into my YouTube channel that had my name as the title of the channel and I was in his chat talking in chat and he noticed my name and said that he wanted me to call the show,
I waited until the after show to call,
he went through my Twitter and pointed out some of my hashtags I had at the top of one of my Twitter accounts,
making fun of my fake fear of penguins,
and my real fear of holes that are really close together,
and then talking about my hair fetish. so that was kind of embarrassing even at the time,
so I knew he wasn't going to just leave it alone at that that he was going to eventually dig through my social media and find out about my past so I made a video on YouTube talking about how I interacted with his podcast and posted it on YouTube the next episode he played the video which led to my trolls contacting him and telling him about my past,
this set of a series of events that has so many small little nuanced parts that it would be near impossible to cover all of them,
when I started interacting with him I noticed a increase in views and interactions on my social media especially my YouTube so on several times I baited Jesse into continuing to talk about me,
I copied his stolen jokes,
made references to the show including drinking Dr pepper and videos which I haven't drank since 2019,
because I can't stand it... Dr pepper is gross,
during this period of time I was doing some self-destructive behavior like taking candid photography of people in public in multiple States,
I was also looking at illegal Lolitacon images on the deep Web,
which I eventually got arrested for because under Maine statutes even fake depictions of minors are considered child pornography,
I traveled to New York City several times by myself with the key point being to bait and aggravate Jesse,
at one point Jesse did a live stream where he walks out of his house and I was able to find his house by background hints in the video,
since he no longer lives there I'll explain,
the first thing I noticed was the 25 on the door,
the second thing I noticed was that it was a brick building,
the third thing I noticed was is he went through a fence door and walked under lights that are used to light up like a basket ball court at night. I then noticed a street sign called fullton Street,
that gave me the general area of where he was using that live stream,
at some point after that he filmed a video of Skyler outside where I saw an elevated train track in the background,
I assumed that he didn't stray far from home to film this video because of the amount of makeup she was wearing and the props so then I went and found the elevated train track located near the general area that I knew that he lived. I then found the park that I believe he walked throughand I just use street view to then find the front of his building,
his building had a very unique front where it had paving stones on the face that were sideways like big diamonds,
I recognize the house immediately,
but then a couple weeks of finding the house I received a heating assistance refund check,
the first thing I did was use a website that sends cow poop to people to send a box of cow poop to his house,
he never acknowledged whether or not he got it or not and I never got any confirmation that it was sent besides the money being taken from my account I don't know if he just never acknowledged it or if the site was a scam and it just stole my money. the next thing I did that he never acknowledged was I sent him a postcard that had Augusta Maine on it I had a whole box of these postcards that I had stolen from the Hallmark store on the main drag of Augusta. he never acknowledged whether or not he got that card or not,
I went to New York a couple of times after I had gotten his address both by myself and with my ex friend otto,
this was before I found out that Otto was actually a CIA operative,
one of the times that I went to New York I purchased a can of moxie which I put it in a small box and placed on Jesse's doorstep,
he claims that I tried to make him think that it was a bomb,
no I left it at his porch and I texted him saying that I left him a soda which he never acknowledged that I did,
I wanted him to do a does Jesse like it with the moxie,
I will admit that maybe he did not get my text message because he does use Google voice and Google voice sometimes does not work with properly and text messages don't get to their recipients,
I wanted to do a co horrible episode with him but every time I went to New York and started calling and texting him he would ignore me for the most part,
it's really strange that Jesse is more than fine with people going to other people's houses,
he was fine with it,
like the Frank hassle stuff and the Chris kattan stuff and the sniper Wolf stuff,
but he had a complete fucking shit fit when I went to his house,
so I don't understand why he's okay with other people doing this shit,
I'll admit that every time I went to his house I was combination of scared and angry,
but I would have never hurt him,
I don't want to hurt people,
I don't want to be someone people hate anymore.. eventually some of the stuff I was keeping in the dark came to the light and I was investigated and the police threw me in jail,
Jesse likes to take full credit for it but truth be told it was the new guy AKA Friends of humanity that really cause me to end up going to prison for child pornography. the key points of my discovery of the investigation into my behavior cited the content of Friends of humanity and a website called turtleboy sports as what led the police to investigate my behavior. I went to prison and while in prison I received several letters that were harassment from people in the pod awful community and I don't blame Jesse for that because he's not responsible for what his fans do and to my knowledge he never told people to send me letters now if it turns out that he did then fuck him but I've never seen any evidence of him telling people to harass me while I'm in prison,
now the website voat on the other hand they were encouraging their user base to harass me,
unfortunately that's website and all its posts have been removed and they were removed before I was able to get off of probation and archive the threats against me,
I got out went online and told everybody I was out,
I totally intended to not give anyone anything more than that but I was just so angry all the time that I kept going online,
the consequences of me going online we're not really that bad for me because every day I spent in jail was one more day until I was free,
technically it was two more days,
I had 4 years hanging over my head on probation but my sentence was actually for one year,
I could have gotten rid of one of my consecutive probations by just doing a year in jail,
which is what I ended up doing,
I spent two years nickeling diamond my way through my first 2-year probation,
once that first consecutive probation was over I moved on to the second one during that first consecutive probation I lived at a series of motels under a covid emergency relief bill fund,
those were fun times,
there was a large 6-month period of time where I lived at the white birches hotel in Ellsworth Maine where I blatantly violated my probation and never had any issue because of my PO never came to my room at all,
I had several cell phones I had several Bluetooth speakers and all kinds of Internet devices out in the open all the time it didn't really bother me because I knew that he was most likely not going to show up and even if he did I would just be violated and I'd be taken to Hancock county jail,
Hancock county jail is so small that they don't even bother cooking food themselves,
people who live at Hancock county jail get food from the outside delivered to them daily,
it's the current home of Maine's favorite child porn addict Elliott Cutler,
you got less time than me Elliott! I had three cartoon images and got more time with that than a dude who had millions of photos across multiple States in multiple residents! and he didn't have to go to prison,
he gets to sit in a cushy single cell,
he gets to sit there and watch a free TV in his cell and eat freshly made sandwiches from Hannaford three times a day for his bid,
eventually the funding for the program that I was living on ran out and I had to go to a shelter in Bangor which led to a bunch of drama of people knowing who I was because it was Bangor and meeting into fights and then then putting me back into the very same hotel on a different program for a month because of the danger of me being in the shelter and then that program ran out of money,
they were going to put me in a shelter in Portland Maine,
a dangerous shelter where people get stabbed and beat up right in the shelter,
I decided that it would be better to just go back to prison and do a year to finalize my last consecutive probation. a couple of days before I had to leave again I did things to make Jesse and his people aware of my online presence and then left on Halloween Eve and took the bus down to Portland and hung out in Portland for about 12 hours before returning back to Bangor,
I purposefully and with malice of glorified did not check in with my probation officer at all,
this led to me eventually being arrested and I did a year at Wyndham,
the only charges that stuck were not checking in with probation because of the Fourth amendment violation that the other charges could potentially cause because my accuser wasn't an anonymous internet person and therefore I could not call them on the stand so those charges were dropped,
I got out and was homeless for a long period of time bouncing in between a literal tent in the woods and a series of different hotel rooms at vacationland inn. I eventually got placed here in this room at this house. I'm hoping that this place will be my forever home because I am sick of the turmoil of being tossed from place to place. if I can manage to stay out of prison or jail I will probably live here for the next and final chapter of my life. or maybe I'll just commit suicide,
I don't really see much point of staying alive at this point I don't really have anything or anyone besides my girlfriend who has been banned from returning to the United States because of her continued interactions with criminal elements,
aka me,
she's a real person,
I have several people trying to tell other people including members of law enforcement that she's a catfish alt account created by me,
but there's literally people who have spoken to her in person face to face who know that she's a real person that I could more than subpoena and to court if necessary,
the people who hate me have done several gay ops since I've been out to try to get me murdered by the police or get me reincarcerated,
hopefully law enforcement is not stupid enough to fall for these baseless claims,
one of the claims is based on information that could easily be edited by the owner of the website to say whatever they wanted,
I know these claims being made against me because the people making these claims will send me rude comments about how they're going to get me thrown back in jail in prison on my YouTube videos and through my email,
they like to brag about what they're trying to do to me,
hopefully none of these gay ops will actually succeed in putting me back in prison,
I'm perfectly fine with going to jail or prison for things that I have done,
but I will not tolerate going to jail or prison for things that are not true and are not real,
if I do something wrong then I will take full accountability for it but everything that I've been accused of since getting out of prison this time are completely untrue and hoaxes... hopefully law enforcement is not stupid enough to fall for these clear lies! thank you to everyone supporting me goodbye