Welcome to Hangin-Out.net!

By using this website, you agree to the terms set forth below. And no, we're not kidding about it. Well, maybe just a little. But seriously, read on:

1. Age Verification

You confirm that you are over the age of 18. If you are not, close this tab immediately and go ask your parents if you can use the internet. We'll wait.

2. Cookies Agreement

We love cookies, both the digital and edible kind. By using Hangin-Out.net, you consent to the use of digital cookies. Unfortunately, we can't send you real cookies through the internet. We tried, but the technology just isn't there yet.

3. IP Address Tracking

We may track your IP address. Don't worry; we're not stalking you. We're just trying to figure out which corner of the galaxy you're hanging out in. If you're hiding on Zaphod Beeblebrox's stolen spaceship, let us know—we're fans!

4. Ownership

This website is owned by Robert Robinson. No, not the famous TV host. This is just a regular Robert who enjoys intergalactic banter and running a website. If you have complaints, send them to his interdimensional mailbox.

5. Not for Kids

Hangin-Out.net is not for kids. If you're still in the age of questioning the existence of Santa Claus, this isn't the place for you. Go play with your toys or something.

6. Belief in Alien Life

We believe in alien life, and we hope you do too. If you don't, we won't hold it against you, but our extraterrestrial friends might. They're quite sensitive.

7. Legal Disclaimer

We're not lawyers, but you agree not to sue us for anything related to Hangin-Out.net. If you do, we'll send you a Vogon poetry recital as punishment. Trust us; you don't want that.

8. Conclusion

Congratulations! You've reached the end of the terms of service. If you actually read all of this, you deserve a virtual high-five. Now go forth, explore the galaxy, and enjoy your time Hangin' Out!

Last updated: The day Marvin cheered up (which is never).